Where does the time go? It feels like only yesterday I was writing to you last, but also a lifetime ago as well - if that makes and sense. So much has happened in the last month or so and its difficult to know where to start. So rather than laying out a timeline of activities from then to now, I'd rather share with you a list of things I now know, that I didnt pre-Chloe....
1. It is normal to not know and that things will inevitably change.
Chloe and I were thrusted together and I felt this overwhelming expectation to know what to do and how to do it. I was consumed with the idea that because I'd read all the books, I would know how to do it all. But I have quickly learnt that books are great but there's nothing like practical, hands on learning to throw all the literature out the window! Whether it was wrapping Chloe, sleeping positions or how to bath her it all became a game of trial and error. Then just as something would seem to be working, she'd go and change it up on us! But thats all part of the fun right? As one good friend said when I confessed that I still had my mummy training wheels on.... she poignantly pointed out that "They never come off".
2. Babies are time consuming!
Before Chloe, I was riddled with the concern that I would be bored out of my brain and this was compounded by many people asking me how I was going to fill my spare time. How wrong I was. Chloe is an all consuming job. If she's awake, she's feeding, needing a nappy change, I'm playing with her, bathing her, singing to her, carrying her, cuddling her and so on. If she's sleeping, I'm sleeping or feeding myself or showering or trying to resettle her or getting washing done or trying to fill in the ridiculous amount of paperwork you need to complete for a brand new human! Not to mention the production required if I need to get her out of the house for something. I have to say though, in the last three weeks, I've have live in help. Laura has been staying with us and has been an amazing help. If I need to shower and Chloe wants a cuddle I can pass her to Laura and not feel guilty as I know her and I are having our needs met. She has been a godsend!
3. Chloe's explosive power.
Poo Face |
Despite looking like an angel, Chloe's poos can pack a serious punch! Being a breastfed baby her poos are less solid then formula fed bubs... or so I'm told. They explode out of her with such power it has left many a visitor questioning the safety of her nappy being correctly on. Its hilarious watching her and their faces as the rumbles rattle through her which can last 10 or so minutes, yes! this can last for up to 10 minutes! and occasionally ends in a poo blowout. The best poo story we have is when we were still naive and would change the nappy midfed to wake her up. One time, Jarratt took her to change her as she had fallen asleep during a feed. I sat in the lounge room as they disappeared down the hall and into her nursery. A few minutes later I heard a meek cry of 'help' come from the room. Not sounding desperate, I took my time making my way to her room. Upon arrival there was Jarratt mid nappy change, drawer open... there was poo on him, poo on her, poo in the drawer, poo on the floor.... all I could do was laugh. It remains one of our favourite stories to share and we have now developed different ways to wake Chloe midfeed. hehehe - you cant become poo covered by tickling her feet.
And it doesnt stop at poo.... Chloe has also had one bout of a projectile vomit that occurred early one morning during her feed. Thankfully it was a saturday and Jarratt was home as a result I was able to palm her off and have a shower. Ahh.... the joys of parenthood.
4. The power of routine!
Chloe with cousin Thomas |
We've had Chloe in a routine from day dot. Whilst this may not be everyone's cup of tea, it has worked for us as Chloe is now sleeping through the night (7pm-7am). Also it has helped me with working out her needs... as if she begins to cry 30 minutes out from a feed or sleep I know whats wrong and dont panic... which comes hand in hand with this whole parenting thing, panic that is. It also helps us in getting out and about, as we can plan things better as we know what she'll be doing when. This came in real handy last weekend when we took our first family trip to Brisbane to visit Adrian, Caryn and Thomas in Brisbane. And whilst sometimes she'll be having an off day and stray from the plan a little, its not the end of the world. For example, whilst in Brisbane it was hotter than she was use to so she cried for an extra feed, which she got.... so even though we are following the routine, we're not rigid with it.
5. Crying is normal.
Chloe with Jacques Phillipe |
It took me a LONG time to get my head around this! Once I understood that Chloe's crying was her way of communicating not necessarily because she was sick or in pain, the whole managing crying became a whole lot easier. I have also got better at recognising different crys and my all time favourite is the one she does when I put her down in her crib at nap time... A little cry that when translated I'm sure would be "helloooooo?! I'm in here all alone...I'd much rather be out there with you! helllloooooo...." and after 10 minutes max it's na-na's. Very cute! Am I a terrible parent for saying this is my favourite cry? I hope not.
But on the other end of the spectrum is what I have named the 'trifecta' cry. Where at least three things are wrong in Chloe world. The other day having correctly guessed wind and being cold she was still crying, I checked the bum, offered some boob, waved Jacques (her favourite toy) around in front of her, sang... then finally exhausted put her down at which point she stopped and chilled right out.... turns out she just wanted some alone time. hahahaha.
6. Boob does not solve everything!
I'd read a bunch of literature pre-Chloe that basically said 'if all else fails... feed your baby'.... milk, it seemed was like a miracle drug that could solve everything! Unfortunately this is not true for Miss Chloe, unless hungry she will throw herself backwards and push away from me almost clearly saying 'get that away from me!"
7. They will surprise you.
Chloe is the queen of meeting and exceeding my expectations. I often find myself in a panic about this or that and more often than not once the situation is encounted and dealt with I am left wondering what I was worried about. Jarratt is a big help in this. His calm nature and support has got me out of many an anxious pickle. Whether it be the baby acne outbreak, a funny colour nappy or bigger things like flying to Brisbane, he always has this positive attitude that everything will be ok and its impossible for thatnot to rub off. I know I often say how thankful I am to have him as my husband and in my life, but this whole adventure has been much better because I have him holding my hand along the way..... through good, bad and ugly.
8. You realise you could never love something so much!
I honestly thought I could never love anything as much as Jarratt... but Chloe is a close second. I knew I would love her, but I never realised it would seep into everything. My heart swells with this feeling of utter love everytime she gives me a toothless smile. If she even whimpers my heart jumps into my throat and I feel this need to quickly fix her problem. I can spend hours watching her sleep, play under her play gym, bounce in her bouncer... anything! She is without a doubt the second love of my life and I often find myself looking at her in disbelief that she is really here and questioning how Jarratt and I were able to make something so amazing and beautiful. I really feel like I've won life's lottery in having such a fantastic husband and bub. Who knew I was such a sadcase and soppy girl... ha!
Well I guess that's it.... I'm sure there are other things that I will think of, but thats the top 8 that spill from my brain at this current moment.
Love you all, xxx