Its funny too, because ironically her first 2 months of life, ok maybe the first 3 months of life, time went by sooooo slowly; as I stumbled through unpredictable days, endless feedings, nappy changes, the constant 'I've been hit by a truck' feeling bought on by sleep deprivation. But then magically as I came out of the three month fog, I saw her changing before me, she lost that creepy newborn look, she was cute, smiley, adorable. I fell in love. Hard. And as much as I try, really try to recall those early weeks, when I look back (without the help of modern technology), I can barely remember it. And that makes me sad. Really sad. And I regret that I didn't pay more attention. I feel like Chloe has materialised into a little human so rapidly. Whilst I am so happy and psyched to have such a beautiful, sweet, smart, funny, happy, healthy (I could seriously list adjectives all day, but I'll stop) little girl, I cant help but think: "wow, where has the time gone?"
I think there's part of me (deep down) that feels like I'm missing out being back at work. That same part is also filled with guilt and worry because I am spending two days away from Chloe a week. And the truth is, as much as I love, and want to keep my career alive, it kills me to be away from her. Kills me. I argue this in my head ALL the time, these two conflicting emotions make it very hard to be rational some days....
But.... logic always wins.
I have to work to generate income to allow us to live the lifestyle we have decided is important to our family - to pay for trips interstate regularly, to afford an overseas trip, to buy that house in a years time, to have chicken and chips regularly on a Saturday, to have outfits for Chloe with matching headbands (hehehe), to have that second cup of caramel latte on a play date. But more so, I have to work to satisfy my own personal ambition. An ambition that fuelled the birth of my career well before the birth of Chloe. A career that required a university degree and years of hard slog, to be realise. And one that I need to nurture because one day, when Chloe is all grown, I want to be able to inspire her - for Chloe to challenge herself, be educated, find a career that is fulfilling and that she loves and to go after her dreams.... and how can I expect this of her when I don't model it myself?
But, enough of the reflective stuff.... let's get into the goooooood stuff, the Chloe stuff. The stuff that I know you are all SO desperate to hear about.
Weight: 9.5kg
Height: 74cm
Clothing size: 0-1.
Shoe size: 3-4
Shoe size: 3-4
So dinners have continued at 5-530pm and have been a great way of introducing new foods to Chloe. She now eats much of what we do, including Tacos and octopus! There is the occasional meal she will find difficult to chew and there are times when we fed her earlier as we are having friends over or are out. But generally she's eating exactly as we are. And more recently drinking exactly as we are. Since starting day care where she drinks from a cup, Chloe has shown are real strength in her dexterity at lifting a glass to her mouth, drinking and then safely placing it back on the tray of her high chair. Often its followed by a very 'look at me, I'm so clever' smile. Sure, there are the occasional spills, but its all part of the process. But... if I'm honest, mummy still prefers she use a straw... for now. hehehe.
She has developed a real love of the finer things in life including baby cino's, sushi and cheese. We've affectionately dubbed her the 'cheese monster' as she often passionately stuffs it into her gob!
Chloe continues to be a beautiful little chatter and her nonverbal communication is out of sight! Her oral language skills are also improving - she is starting to clearly say some words. The most common being 'no'. When we ask her if she would like something her stock standard reply is 'no'. Even if she takes the biscuit, sits down to hear the story or leads us the door to go outside after we've asked, she will still say 'no'. I'm not entirely sure where it has come from?! As I'm much more inclined to say 'uh ah' to her, over no. It is however a very firm clear 'no' - the kind I use when I taught Kinder, so I think it may be day care. But I'm not sure?!
She also threw out the other day when I was leaving for work 'Shoes Dada' and picked up her shoes from by the door and walked to Jarratt. We both stood in shock. She hasn't done it since. *sigh* So at the moment its all just a little inconsistent. But we're not anywhere concerned. Her verbal communication is still great for her age. She babbles and clearly has good intonation and inflection when 'talking'. The cutest thing she does when she talks is tilts her head so her face is right in yours and then babbles. When she does this to another child its normally when that little kid seems upset and its almost like she's saying 'Are you ok? Come on, its alright!' She's such a sweet little thing.
She also clearly understands routine instructions. When I ask her to tidy up, she does it, when I ask her to put her nappy in the bin, she does it, can you start the dishwasher? Sure thing. She's such a helpful little girl, hehe.
Chloe has now been walking for about 6 months. She is super confident and has even started 'running' on occasions. She loves playing chasies with mum and dad - and now that her friends are walking they play chasies together too. It's the cutest!
She has started climbing - stairs she was already apt at and she is better at going up stairs (solo) but needs help coming down. However she is now able to climb out of the pool at swimming and onto equipment at the park. Sometimes when she's a little short for a particular piece or she needs a boost she'll do calf raises and slap the surface with her hand to indicate "hey! I need some help here". Like I said... non-verbal communication. Out. Of. Sight!
So sleeping.... We fell into a beautiful little routine last month of having some lunch, in bed by 12, sleep for almost 3 hours, play around and go to bed at 7. Beautiful! But in the last week or so bedtime at 7 has been a bit hit and miss. We think its a combination of factors effecting the ease of bedtime for us. 1. Sleeping past 2pm is never helpful and 2. 2 hours or more during the day seems to make her too 'rested' for a 7pm bedtime. At the moment these are just hunches.... I'm going to try and keep a journal type thing to see what seems to be the issue. But at the moment we're just playing around with things to see what works. Thankfully Chloe is much more flexible with sleep stuff... she can last til 1pm if need be before having a day sleep, but will go to bed at 1030am if we need her up for a lunch time thing too. Its great! Especially with our trip to Hobart next weekend where we're just going to roll with it in regards to sleep. A BIG deal for a routine loving control freak like me!
Chloe has developed a real love for the following things bath time with mummy (particularly when she sings salt n pepper), reading to herself, sand, of any variety (!), painting, and train rides at Cousin Ben's birthday with Nanny!
She also continues to love seeing her friends and regular Thursday play dates with bestie Ellie. The two are the sweetest little things together, they take turns and share and encourage each other in ways I think is so beautiful. They are obviously two kindred spirits both enjoying smoothies together, playing in the sand and sharing numerous morning tea foods. I feel so blessed to have such a gorgeous pair of girls to spend each and every Thursday with. And whilst there has been stiff competition for Chloe's love between Ellie's parental units, I think Auntie Nic has finally edged Greg out as a firm favourite..... hehe
Meanwhile she's fallen out of love with brushing her teeth which we originally thought was because she had teeth coming through. But two weeks on, she still refuses to play the game. She has also started turning her face to give a cheek when we ask for kisses - bizarrely!? I think the last one to score a good peck from Chloe was Thomas on their last trip to Sydney. But she happily gives high fives no worries, which I can live with for the time being. But her real hates at the moment are having something taken from her and sharing mummy with other babies. But this (I know) is a developmental thing and thankfully a phase she will grow out of.
Chloe's second Big W catalogue came out on the 7th of November. She looks so sweet in it! I'm sure they will sell a lot of the Christmas outfit as a result. hehe. I originally thought the outfit was *cough* very *cough* unflattering but in the catalogue amongst the other kids it looks gorgeous, but maybe I'm just a little bias.
We also attended the casting for Bambini Studio Magazine where she was required to wear smart casual, the shoots next Thursday and we have yet to hear anything, so its not looking good. I'm going to book her new head shots in the next month or so, as I had a look at her old ones and she looks much different now.
For Jarratt's 30th we went to India and Singapore, so its only fair with my 30th coming up we go somewhere overseas as well. So we discussed nice practical, easy options as we now have Chloe... New Zealand, Hawaii.... but neither made me excited. We then looked at flights to Japan, as ideally, that was the next place we wanted to visit.... and when I found flights for 1000 return pp (Chloe 10% of the flight price being under 2) my heart leapt out of my throat. After a few calculations we worked out it was possible and within 24 hours booked the flights. We are both super doper excited and I'm slowly nutting out an itinerary for the trip. We are thinking Tokyo - Kyoto - Hiroshima - Osaka - Tokyo..... OR Tokyo - Odawara - Takayama - Kyoto - Hiroshima - Toyko...... with the former being a more leisurely trip and the latter being a bit more jam-packed! Ahhh what a dilemma.... but there are worse problems to have, obviously. hehe.
And that's this month done and dusted.... I can't believe that next time we chat, Christmas will most likely have been and gone.... YIKES. Where does the time go!? Are you sure I didn't just have her?