In order to be systematic about this updating blog I'm going to organise it by major events/items that have occurred in the last year. Feel free to skip the irrelevant items that you're already aware of.
The Unit
In January of this year (2010) we moved into our humble 2 bedroom unit at Penshurst, complete with internal lanudry and lock up garage! The whole battle of finding a unit was quite an undertaking with most units in our price range being snatched up at the first open inspection and often for more than the asking price! Feeling a little depleated, Jarratt and I came across this lovely little unit that required a little modernising and snapped it up for less then the asking price, GO US! 12 months on and a cupboard there, air conditioning here, a new laundry there and our little house was fast becoming our home. We still have a few renovating mountains to climb, the kitchen being one, but its all part of the fun.
Jarratt and I have been very fortunate to fall quite quickly back into jobs upon our return to Australia. Jarratt, as you know, picked right back up with his old boss and, as for me, after working casually through Term 4 2009 in two amazing schools, I have just finished a year block on a 2/3 class with my contract to continue next year but on a 5/6. Wish me luck!
It wouldn't be a very good December blog if I didnt mention Christmas, right? Well, Christmas was MAD this year. With Christmas Eve drinks with friends, Santa's arrival at the Tandek's house early Christmas morning, a brief pit stop at the Wyatts and a mad dash to Maitland to catch Mum between shifts. Boxing Day was spent mostly sleeping! Although we did manage to be awake long enough to trek out to the Hunter Valley Gardens and join in the festive cheer of the Christmas Lights Spectatular. Also gave me a chance to try out my new baby - my Canon EOS 550D with Tripod. The following day, Gyspy John joined us, along with The Swans Supporters for lunch at Muse, which despite the delay was very yummy!
In both camps, family is well. Most notable mentions is the recent arrival of little Benjamin and the bump that has began to expand on Caryn. The two doting soon-to-be parents are looking radiant and not in the least bit aprehensive about their Feb arrival. I admire them, I would be quietly freaking out, particularly after a recent conversation with Mummy Swan Supporter! In other news, Mum got re-married this year to the most amazing man. I've never seen her so relaxed and happy, I'm delighted for her and Santa! (haha) As for Uncle John, he continues to renovate and travel and take us to the RSL for lunch/dinner regularly. He has been a real help to Jarratt and I throughout the whole year, I hope he knows how much we appreciate him. The Tandek Kids continue to grow and entertain us and Grandma and Opa are holding the helm of Wyatt ship strong.
Friends have been moving and a shaking things up this year. Laura, up and moved to London, which was enthralling - something she's always wanted to do. I'm so proud of her and am DESPERATE to get to see her in Ye Ol' London town before she heads home! Keels continue to live it up and Freo and Ejay is still a very busy bee. Lin and Andy bought and settled into their very own lovenest. And Bec continues to be my allie in the battle that is primary school, whilst also becoming the best cupcake maker in the histroy of cupcakes. Kev and Jaz surprised everyone announcing their marriage after a trip to Africa. Bridge and George also tied the knot and have added to their score card with a little-one on the way. Dave and Bec, Nic and Nath, also made commitments to each other and have become engaged in spectactular settings. And last, but not least is Lucy and Tom who have undertaken a recent ambitious renovation of their bathroom and the reason we keep one eye on flight prices to Tassie.
In Jan 2011 we're off to India, via Singapore, which we're both incrediably excited about - despite the mixed reactions we get when we tell people. We will also ring in the New Year with great friends and head to the SCG to shake our heads in disgust at the Aussies efforts in the cricket.
Hopefully, this will be the first of many posts in the coming year.
We hope you're having a very safe and happy holiday.