After a long flight we arrived in New York tired from all the movies we watched on the plane trying to get adjusted to the time change. We caught a cab from the airport straight to our hotel and jumped straight in bed after a few problems with payment.
The next morning we both woke up eager to see the sites. Firstly we admired the hotel room; we had spent some money and got a flash room for Christmas instead of a hostel like normal. It was great it had a big TV, its own fridge and even our own star bucks coffee maker. With our spirits high we headed for down town in freezing -6 degree temperatures. Firstly looking at Ground Zero, Wall Street, Brooklyn Bridge all before stopping for our first big slice of pizza. We then headed back to ground zero for a tour with two survivors of 9/11. That night we headed to Madison Square Garden for Cirque Du Soleli’s Wintuk.
Wednesday was Christmas Eve and we headed straight for Fashion Avenue, Seventh Avenue to do a spot of shopping, we got lost in Macy’s, swung by Saks, and despite Bec’s best efforts left Tiffany’s empty handed. We also passed the Library and the Grand Central Terminal. That afternoon we went to Radio city and watched the world famous Rockettes perform in the Christmas spectacular from row C!!! That night we had a dinner at Ruby Foo’s on Broadway.
Christmas morning we opened presents, crossed the road for a hot diner-style breakfast and then headed into Times Square. Everywhere we looked everything was bigger, brighter and better. Then in amongst it all there was the ‘Naked (sleazy) Cowboy’… fighting off Japanese tourists Bec managed to get a photo with him and immediately felt dirty! We then headed for the biggest M&M shop in the world for some red, blue and white supplies. Before walking through a snow covered central park passing the famous ice-staking rink and John Lennon’s Imagine memorial.
That afternoon we went back to our room for a feast of spreads, chocolates and a nap so we were fresh for a fancy night out. We had booked a table at John Georges, a very classy Resturant by Columbus Circle, inside the Trump tower AND overlooking Central Park. Dinner was great we both enjoyed 5 courses of excellent food and wine, making it a very special Christmas. Hot Damn!
Friday morning we headed up the Top of the Rock (NBC Rockefeller centre) for some great views over the city. We also did an NBC tour, went past Schwarz, Barneys, Bloomingdales and Dylan’s candy bar – where Bec may, or may not have lost her mind! We also purchased our first vendor hot dog and coke for the bargain *insert eye roll here* price of 14 US dollars! That night we Thanked God it was Friday and headed to TGI’s for some Baby back (Baby back) ribs and were carded for the first time in this over 21 only drinking country! Woohoo – proud moment for J. After that we endued a very yawn filled game of b-ball; that had plenty of DEFENCE by the NY Knicks against the Timberwolves.
Saturday we rose bright and early to make our way to South Ferry for our 8am boat ride to Ellis and Liberty Island. First stop was Liberty; we grabbed our audio guides and made a beeline for the big lady herself. After waiting, and waiting and waiting to pass through security (where we were shot with some crazy gas?!) we made our way into the pedestal. We wandered through the Museum, gazed up into the hollow structure and took a trip around the famed statue. A little disappointed by size (yes! that’s right, to us size DID matter on the day), we boarded the next leg of our ferry ride to Ellis Island. Ellis Island proved to be less … controversial, than we were expecting and quite boring. Our afternoon was livened up however by the fog that had set over Manhattan and hence trapped us on Ellis Island… but not for too long. After a short wait we returned back to the Island and safely to our hotel. That night the elements kept us in a room with an EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA large (which was only a medium by American standards) size pizza and some trashy television.
Next, being Sunday, we thought it best – being the good Catholics that we are – we attended some church. We had a very traumatic morning before boarding the bus but the sites of Harlem including the Apollo Theatre, Franco the Great, Sugar Row and George Washington’s house on the hill. We ended just before lunch with a half hour hardcore (do you want more) session of hand clapping, knee slapping, halleluiah PRAISE JESUS! Being cleansed and free from sin, we headed for some sex and the city (tour). We visited all the sights from the show (and some from the movie) including sampling cupcakes from Magnolia’s Bakery, Cosmo’s at Aiden’s Bar “Scout” and making personal inspections of some rabbits at the Pleasure Chest. That night – After visiting Katz for lunch (famed deli from When Harry Met Sally) and not entirely satisfied of our Meg Ryan Movie fixed – we headed to the Empire State Building for the last ride up inside the elevator…. However, we were a little early. After 2 hours of lining up we finally made it up to see some spectacular night scenes. That night we nibbled on some pretty find looking breast at Hooters ;) Chicken breast that is!!!
Our final day in NYC was spent riding the free Staten Island ferry for one last look at lady liberty and despite our vagabond shoes wanting to stay we jumped in a taxi made the mad bolt out to JFK for our flight homeward bound.
The famous Rockettes in the Christmas Spectatular.
Christmas Day (snow covered Central Park)
Cupcake Heaven - Magnolia Bakery.
Cosmo's at Scout